Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dubai arrival

Greetings from Dubai! For all those interested I just arrived in Dubai this week after many months of anticipation. The city, the people and the new job promise to be very fascinating. It took a couple of days to adjust to the 11 hour time change. The hot summer season appears to be over and the weather is very pleasant now.
The company put me in a very comfortable hotel (on the right), where I'll be living for the next few weeks. There are lots of great restaurants within walking distance. The taxis are all clean and efficient, so it's easy to go places.

Here is the front of the Execujet headquarters in Dubai. It's a beautiful office and hangar facility that was completed 18 months ago.

It includes a comfortable lounge for clients and passengers.

1 comment:

Kristoff said...

This looks a lot nicer then all the other places where you have worked! You should post pictures of the snow dome...